45 million Americans are functionally illiterate.

They can’t read beyond a 5th grade level.

If you want your child on the right side of life, keep reading the info on this and the following pages.

Your child was born smart

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Your child was born smart

What happens next is up to you.

This may be the happiest moment in your life. You now have the responsibility of a new life in your hands. What are your best hopes for the life of your child (grandchild)?

Read to your child.

Read to your child aloud, at least 15 minutes a day, and more does not hurt. The more sophisticated the reading, newspaper or magazine articles, the better. Even better is if you carry on normal regular conversations with baby almost pretending he/she is an adult.

Credible research shows if you read and interact with your child this way, between birth and age 3, your child will have heard almost 30 million more total words compared to others.

This research shows children who hear more words, spoken by you and family, will start out ahead. Children who get ahead, tend to stay ahead. All of this will work together to improve many facets of your baby’s ability to read, understand instruction, and integrate. And so the reverse is also true. The less your child hears, the less he/she will understand from the talk of others. The further behind your child starts out in life.

For many, the idea of purposefully increasing the amount of words heard by children starting right away at birth is new, primarily because of preconceived notions.

But what happens is that the words cross the child’s ears. The baby does not know what it means. The baby can’t say the word. However, the new mind of the baby is thinking about what was heard and is processing it like a CPU.

If you want more information, or request additional help, there are a lot of resources we can share with you.

Let’s get started right away. Read this article out loud to your baby.

In the video below please find some great tips for how to read with your child if they are in the range of 2 months old (more or less)…

To learn more, read our Helpful Guide #2

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